What Does S Mean on Snapchat? A Quick Guide

What Does S Mean on Snapchat

By Olivia Harper
Social Media Expert
LinkedIn Profile


Social media might be difficult due to the number of symbols and emojis. Like “KMS,” it is hard to keep track of what S has conveyed. There are guides approachable to hang with the symbols and what others may be saying.

Snapchat has unique features like disappearing messages, images, and stories. So, it is popular among young people. One common symbol you see is “S.” It often appears on snaps or messages.

It is used to maintain a snapstreak with friends. When you learn these terms, it helps you communicate and enjoy the app more. In this blog, we will give you a brief understanding of what does S means on Snapchat.

Quick Answer

On Snapchat, “S” usually stands for “Streaks.” In addition, it also stands for “Sorry.” It is used to keep a daily snap streak going with friends. When you send “S,” it helps you maintain the streak without much effort. Just reply with “S” or a snap to keep the streak alive.

Table of Contents

“S” Meaning on Snapchat

On Snapchat, “S” stands for “streak,” which starts when you exchange snaps with someone for three days in a row. The streak length is represented by a fire emoji and a number next to the contact’s name.

How to Use S on Snapchat

When you receive a snap with an “S,” it represents a streak snap. It allows users to maintain their connections. There are a few alternatives to “S,” including “strx” or “streak,” as well as a picture with the letter “S” drawn on it.

Other Meanings of “S” on Snapchat

There are two more meanings of “S.”. Here, you will know what does S means on Snapchat with its examples:

Decoding Sarcastic Messages

/S indicates sarcasm in a message. When you see /s at the end of a sentence online or in a text, it shows that the message is sarcastic. This simplifies the tone, as feelings can be difficult to read in digital communication.

Examples include:

  • I’m thrilled to be stuck in traffic /s.
  • Oh great, another meeting. Just what I needed /s.
  • How dare you send me flowers /s.
  • Wow, you’re so punctual as always /s.

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Creating Inclusive Spaces: The Purpose of Sending “/s”

We cannot observe body language or hear voice tones in digital places because they lack context. Using tone signals such as /s can help prevent misunderstandings.

They are useful for neurodivergent people who have difficulty communicating indirectly. These signs make conversations clearer and more inclusive.

Examples include:

  • Sure, I love being ignored /s.
  • Nice job breaking the coffee machine /s.
  • Great, another error message /s.
  • Oh, fantastic, it’s raining again /s.

What Does S Mean on Snapchat from a Girl and a Guy?

“S” Means from a Girl

When a girl sends “S” on Snapchat, it usually stands for “Streaks.” She is likely trying to keep the Snapchat streak going. Streaks happen when two people snap at each other every day. The “S” is a quick way to remind you to send a snap back. It is basic and doesn’t always mean something special.

For example, if a girl sends “S,” she likely wants to keep the streak going. It doesn’t mean she’s looking to chat or share something important.

“S” Means from a Guy

When a guy sends “S” on Snapchat, it often means “Streaks.” He is trying to keep the daily streaks going with you. Like girls, guys use “S” as a quick way to maintain the streak without much conversation. It doesn’t mean anything serious or personal. This is just about keeping the streak alive.

For example, he might send “S” with a random picture, like his shoes, to keep the streak alive. The picture doesn’t have to be meaningful. It’s just to prevent the streak from ending.

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What Does “S” Mean in Texting?

“S” can have different meanings based on the context of texting. Most commonly, it stands for “Streaks.” This is especially true on Snapchat, where “S” is used to keep daily snap streaks going.

What Does S Mean in Texting

This is a quick way to say, “I’m keeping the streak.” In other cases, “S” might mean “Sure” or “Sorry,” depending on the chat. If you want to understand what “S” in a text means, always consider the context.

For example, if you missed an appointment with a friend, you might text, “S, I forgot our meeting today.” The “S” makes your apology brief and to the point.

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Why Do People Use “S” on Snapchat?

  • Sending “S” indicates they are thinking about you and want the conversation to continue.
  • Regular communication helps to establish and maintain connections, and snapstreaks keep this going.
  • Snapstreaks allows users to show how much they respect your friendship as they try to become “best friends” on Snapchat.
  • Another motive is to improve snap scores. Snap streaks provide easy points to people who prefer raising their scores.

How to Use “S” on Snapchat?

If you want to use “S” on Snapchat, send it as a quick way to maintain a snapstreak. It’s often used when you want to keep the streak alive but don’t have time to send a detailed snap.

You can simply send “S” as a text or pair it with a photo or video. It ensures that you’re still actively participating in the streak without much effort. Just make sure to use it within the 24-hour window to avoid breaking the streak.

How to Reply to Snapstreaks?

If you want to keep your snap streak alive, you need a reply within 24 hours. Maintaining this timely contact assures the streak’s continuity and significance.

Here are the ideas for replying to snap streaks that are given below:

  • Using the Pen

Snap a picture, tap the pen symbol, then draw an interesting S to keep Snapchat streaks alive. It’s an odd take on the usual statement that adds a personal touch to your streak. You can continue your streaks with a touch of creativity.

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  • Show off Your Bitmoji

Bitmoji stickers can help you up your Snapchat game. You can change your avatars to capture your mood and enhance conversation with funny images. To show your feelings and creativity, you can add Bitmoji stickers to your photos.

  • Stickers

Snapchat provides an extensive selection of stickers for your streaks, which add a creative touch to your snaps. You can find “streak” stickers in the top-right corner and apply them to your photos to make your streak snaps stand out. It helps in enhancing your snap-sharing experience.

  • GIFs

Snapchat’s GIF collection provides a funny element to your snaps, making it ideal for creating streak snaps. Capture a photo, tap the ‘Sticker’ option, and search ‘streak’ to find GIFs. It will make your photos with dynamic and fascinating animations. You can explore different GIFs to enhance your images.


The letter “S” on Snapchat usually stands for “Streaks.” It’s a quick way to keep a snap streak going. Maintaining a snap streak can strengthen friendships and keep communication alive. It can also help boost your snap score, which some users find fun.

Additionally, understanding other meanings, like /s for sarcasm, helps avoid misunderstandings in digital chats. When you use these indicators, it makes conversations easier to understand. They help include people who have trouble with nonverbal communication.

If you know what does “S” means on Snapchat, you can improve your experience. This helps you connect better with friends. If you need any help, you can contact us at Around The Social.


Is there a limit to how many “S” messages I can have at once?
Yes, Snapchat limits you to about 200 unopened “S” messages. To avoid missing streaks, open or reply to messages once you hit this limit.
How do I know if someone has opened my “S” message?
You can check the chat thread. If it says "opened" or has a blue dot, they’ve seen it.
Can I delete an “S” message before it's opened?
Yes, you can delete an “S” message before it's opened. Tap and hold the message, then choose "Delete".
What is “S” or “C” on Snapchat?
"S" often means "Streaks," used to keep a daily Snapstreak. While "C" can stand for "Chat" or "Come.” It depends on the context.
What do “S” and “R” mean on Snap?
"S" stands for "Streaks," which are used to maintain daily snapstreaks. "R" can mean "Reply" or "Read," indicating a response or seen message.
What do “S” and “SB” mean on Snapchat?
"S" means "Streaks," used to keep the streak going. "SB" stands for "Snap Back," asking for a response to a snap.
What does “SS” mean on Snapchat?
"SS" usually means "Screenshot," indicating that a screenshot was taken of the snap.
What do “S” and “M” mean in chat?
"S" often means "Streaks," which is related to snapstreaks. "M" can mean "Message" or "Morning," depending on the chat.
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